Home About Us

Your Efficient and Reliable Partner for more than 30 Years
Together with our clients and partners, we implement complex and demanding projects in order to ensure a safe and reliable energy supply.
We offer customised solutions, either as a complete package for entire substations and switching stations, or as individual, modular components – everything from one source.
For this purpose, our teams invariably deliver the highest quality. We are a full-service provider for the planning, construction, installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of high, medium and low-voltage switchgear as well as for protection and control technology.
Both at our company headquarters in Werder (Havel) and our branch in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe, we tirelessly work to satisfy our customers in Germany and around the world. Our business activities are driven by the following goals: customer satisfaction, the motivation and safety of our employees and joint business success. We are proud of our well-known reference customers from all walks of industry.
Frank Pieper (photo) and Ronald Engelhardt, Managing Directors at AMW
AMW GmbH was founded in 1994 and has always been managed as a medium-sized company.
30th company anniversary
Acquisition of AMW by IDS GmbH
(today VIVAVIS AG)
Start of training for young employees as electronics technicians (specializing in energy and building technology)
Certification of the occupational health and safety management system in accordance with OHSAS 18001 (now ISO 45001)
The number of employees exceeds the threshold of 50 employees
Introduction of the new ERP system in the company
Relocation to the new company location in Adolf-Damaschke-Straße in Werder (Havel)
Certification of the quality management system according to ISO 9001
Foundation of AMW in Werder (Havel). The original business area was the local assembly of high- and low-voltage switchgear
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Headquarters in Werder (Havel) / Germany
AMW Anlagen-Montagen Werder GmbH
Adolf-Damaschke-Strasse 59
14542 Werder (Havel) / Germany
Branch at Ettlingen / Germany
AMW Anlagen-Montagen Werder GmbH
Nobelstraße 18
76275 Ettlingen / Germany